Israeli Scene Archive

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Reconciliation agreement between Israel and Turkey presented in Rome and Ankara

Netanyahu: The agreement makes sure that the security siege continues to be imposed on the Gaza Strip!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Internal official data the Israeli police had to disclose lately:

60% of the arrests made by the police between 2011 and 2015 targeted Arab citizens!... Read More


In 3 press interviews on the 100th anniversary of Yitzhak Shamir’s birth:

The current leadership in Israel is egotistic and prefers personal interests and pleasures to interests of the state and the nation!... Read More


Paris Conference in the mirror of Israeli analyses

Netanyahu will not agree to any peace initiative at present!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Former deputy of Head of Israel’s National Security Council:

There is a gap between interests of Netanyahu and the public!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

The secret behind the crisis between Bennett and Netanyahu

The Jewish Home seeks to curb expanding power of the Likud in settlements!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Analyses by security experts:

Following Tel Aviv operation, Israel is certain that assessments addressing the demise of the Palestinian uprising are premature!... Read More